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Join Our Team

Homie Design is a fast-growing interior design company that provides exceptional design services. Our mission is to transform houses into homes that reflect our clients' unique tastes and personalities.


We leverage our expertise in market trends, creative design concepts, and spatial solutions to bring our clients' ideas to life. Our approach is rooted in attentive customer service, and we strive to exceed our clients' expectations.


We are hiring...

Junior Interior Designer and Project Coordinator
Join our team of autonomous and motivated professionals as we continue to expand our business and bring happiness to our clients and team members alike.

Kama Chan, Hiring Manager

About the job:

We are seeking a passionate and user-focused Junior Interior Designer/Project Coordinator to join our team in our Sha Tin office. As a core member of our team, you will create detailed design drawings, assist in client meetings, work closely with our project manager, and visit construction sites to ensure designs are executed according to plan.


The ideal candidate will be a self-starter with strong independent working abilities. We value candidates who are proactive in learning and growth, and who demonstrate exceptional work ethic and commitment to achieving our goals.


Key Responsibilities:

  • Produce customised furniture, floor plan, 3D, and construction drawings for design projects.

  • Assist in client meetings. Provide creative design advice and drawings, assist with material and color selection, and communicate with customers

  • Collaborate with project manager to understand and translate client needs

  • Visit construction sites to ensure your design plans are being executed according to specifications.

  • Provide insightful guidance and recommendations to balance the creativities and implementation possibilities.

  • Adjust working hours to accommodate customer appointments when necessary


  • At least one year or more of relevant work experience

  • Degree or diploma in interior design or related discipline

  • Proficient in AutoCAD, SketchUp, and Adobe Creative Suite or other drawing softwares

  • Responsible, attention to detail and creative

  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills

  • Willingness to listen and learn new knowledge

  • Ability to work independently and manage multiple projects simultaneously

  • Maintain positive relationships with clients and collaborate effectively with team members

  • Proficient in Cantonese, conversational in English and Mandarin

We offer:

  • Flexible 5-day work week schedule

  • Excellent opportunities for career development and internal promotion

  • Autonomous working environment

  • Cosy and pleasing studio environment

  • 12 days annual leave

  • Public holiday

  • Competitive salary, commensurate with the candidate's experience, skills, and ability to take on responsibilities

  • Annual performance-based bonus

If you are a creative and enthusiastic individual who values customer service and is eager to grow with a dynamic team, Please share your CV, portfolio and expected salary via email



Homie Design 是一家提供優質室內設計服務的設計公司,我們正快速發展及擴充。我們的使命是幫助客人創造出反映他們獨特品味和個性的家。我們以貼近現代風格、創意概念和空間解決方案,將客人的想法變成現實,以細心的服務為根基,致力成為客人信任的合作夥伴。


我們誠邀您加入我們自主及充滿熱誠的團隊,我們正在擴展業務,希望和你一起繼續擴大Homie Design 的業務,為客戶和團隊成員帶來幸福。

Kama Chan, 招聘經理






  • 繪畫訂製傢俬圖、平面圖、3D圖和施工圖

  • 與客人溝通、提供創意設計方案及設計繪圖,協助客人挑選和跟進物料及配色

  • 與項目經理合作,了解並執行客人的設計需求

  • 到施工現場確保設計計劃按你的設計規格執行

  • 提供有見地的設計指引及設計建議,在創意及執行上找到平衡

  • 需要時配合客人預約而調整上下班時間


  • 一年或以上相關工作經驗

  • 室內設計或相關學科的學位或文憑

  • 熟悉AutoCAD、SketchUp和Adobe Creative Suite或其他電腦繪圖軟件

  • 有責任心、注重細節、具創意

  • 良好溝通技巧及人際關係

  • 能夠獨立工作,同時管理多個項目

  • 願意聆聽及學習新知識

  • 能與客人溝通及建立良好的關係,並與團隊成員有效合作

  • 良好粵語,一般英語,一般普通話


  • 靈活的5天工作時間表

  • 良好職業發展和內部晉升機會

  • 自主工作環境

  • 舒適的工作室環境

  • 12天有薪假期

  • 公眾假期

  • 提供豐厚薪金,視乎求職者的經驗、技能和能力而定,面議

  • 工作表現年終獎金


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  • 黑色的Facebook圖標

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